Mathematics and medicine: Sabina Alistar at TEDxBucharest
Mathematics and medicine: Sabina Alistar at TEDxBucharest
Mathematics and medicine: Sabina Alistar at TEDxBucharest
Sabina earned her PhD from Stanford University, in the department of Management Science and Engineering. In her research, Sabina develops and applies operations research tools for shaping Health care policies, with emphasis on optimal resource allocation for controlling infectious diseases such as AIDS.
She has collaborated with the United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS to develop a practical mathematical model that can be used by decision makers to allocate resources among HIV control programs. Her achievements have been acknowledged with the title „Romanian student of 2011 in North America", postgraduate level.
On the TEDxBucharest stage,
Denise Vlachou - MSc Mathematical Medicine and Biology
Denise Vlachou - MSc Mathematical Medicine and Biology
Denise Vlachou - MSc Mathematical Medicine and Biology
Denise describes how the flexibility of her course has allowed her to pursue the topics she's most interested in.
Find out more about Postgraduate opportunities at Nottingham:
Video by Debs Storey
Lindsey Macdougall - PhD Mathematical Medicine and Biology
Lindsey Macdougall - PhD Mathematical Medicine and Biology
Lindsey Macdougall - PhD Mathematical Medicine and Biology
Lindsey tells us about her research and how she works with her supervisors.
How can mathematics help fight disease?
How can mathematics help fight disease?
How can mathematics help fight disease?
Find out how Professor James Sneyd and colleagues are using mathematics in the study of medicine. Their research work revolves around the study of calcium in...
Mathematics & Molecular Medicine by Dr. Bob Palais
Mathematics & Molecular Medicine by Dr. Bob Palais
Mathematics & Molecular Medicine by Dr. Bob Palais
Mathematics is becoming increasingly useful in modern molecular medicine. We will present examples in which math was used to develop a rapid and economical t...
IMA Public Lectures:Mathematical modeling in medicine,sports, and the environment; Alfio Quarteroni
IMA Public Lectures:Mathematical modeling in medicine,sports, and the environment; Alfio Quarteroni
IMA Public Lectures:Mathematical modeling in medicine,sports, and the environment; Alfio Quarteroni
Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) Public Lecture Series http://www.ima.umn.edu/public-lecture/ Mathematical modeling in medicine, sports, ...
Math in Medicine
Math in Medicine
Math in Medicine
A short documentary showing the usage of math in the medical field.
Of Math and Medicine: Advancing Transplant Surgery Through Novel Mathematical Approaches
Of Math and Medicine: Advancing Transplant Surgery Through Novel Mathematical Approaches
Of Math and Medicine: Advancing Transplant Surgery Through Novel Mathematical Approaches
Of Math and Medicine: Advancing Transplant Surgery Through Novel Mathematical Approaches - Dorry Segev, MD, PhD
EMB Day - "Mathematical Models in Medicine" by G. Dasios
EMB Day - "Mathematical Models in Medicine" by G. Dasios
EMB Day - "Mathematical Models in Medicine" by G. Dasios
"Mathematical Models in Medicine" by mr Georgios Dasios.
Taking the Math out of Medicine
Taking the Math out of Medicine
Taking the Math out of Medicine
Jim Broselow, MD, describes the problem of medical dosing errors and how we should take the math out of medicine to prevent them. # background #
DOE CSGF 2013: Mathematical Modeling of Pharmaceuticals:Predictive Design for Better Medicines
DOE CSGF 2013: Mathematical Modeling of Pharmaceuticals:Predictive Design for Better Medicines
DOE CSGF 2013: Mathematical Modeling of Pharmaceuticals:Predictive Design for Better Medicines
View more information on the DOE CSGF Program at http://www.krellinst.org/csgf Ashlee Ford Versypt Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Chemical Engineerin...
uWaterloo Applied Math Research
uWaterloo Applied Math Research
uWaterloo Applied Math Research
University of Waterloo Dept. of Applied Mathematics researchers are profiled in this video, prepared for the July 2011 International Congress on Industrial a...
Medical Experts and Mathematicians Collaborate to Create a Model of Aortic Disease
Medical Experts and Mathematicians Collaborate to Create a Model of Aortic Disease
Medical Experts and Mathematicians Collaborate to Create a Model of Aortic Disease
In our behind-the-scenes interviews at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2013, we sat down with Dr. Abe DeAnda, associate professor in the D...
USI Master in Applied Mathematics & Computational Science
USI Master in Applied Mathematics & Computational Science
USI Master in Applied Mathematics & Computational Science
www.mamcs.usi.ch With the rapid development of modern supercomputing facilities, Computational Science, i.e. the numerical simulation of real-world problems ...
2014 Interdisciplinary Innovation Forum: "Mathematical Biology"
2014 Interdisciplinary Innovation Forum: "Mathematical Biology"
2014 Interdisciplinary Innovation Forum: "Mathematical Biology"
The field of Mathematical Biology lies at this intersection of biology, biochemistry, and mathematics. Modeling and quantitative analysis, provided by mathematicians, can help establish patterns within scientific data and suggest next steps for researchers and clinicians. This Interdisciplinary Innovation Forum explores this topic and features four speakers who will highlight advances in the field, which could determine the future of medicine for generations.
Johns Hopkins University - Institute of Computational Medicine (ICM) - The Future of Medicine
Johns Hopkins University - Institute of Computational Medicine (ICM) - The Future of Medicine
Johns Hopkins University - Institute of Computational Medicine (ICM) - The Future of Medicine
Today, biological research is entering a new and exciting phase, one in which computational methodologies and modeling will play a critical role in revealing...
Simon Singh - The Simpsons and Their Mathematical Secrets (Interview)
Simon Singh - The Simpsons and Their Mathematical Secrets (Interview)
Simon Singh - The Simpsons and Their Mathematical Secrets (Interview)
You may have watched hundreds of episodes of The Simpsons (and its sister show Futurama) without ever realizing that cleverly embedded in many plots are subt...
Lindi M Wahl - Mathematical approaches to modeling extinction probabilities
Lindi M Wahl - Mathematical approaches to modeling extinction probabilities
Lindi M Wahl - Mathematical approaches to modeling extinction probabilities
PROGRAM: School and Discussion Meeting on Population Genetics and Evolution PROGRAM LINK: http://www.icts.res.in/program/PGE2014 DATES: Saturday 15 Feb, 2014...
Handbook Of Cancer Models With Applications Series in Mathematical Biology and M
Handbook Of Cancer Models With Applications Series in Mathematical Biology and M
Handbook Of Cancer Models With Applications Series in Mathematical Biology and M
Видео обзор книги будет готов позже. Прочитать Handbook Of Cancer Models With Applications (Series in Mathematical Biology and Medicine) можно по ссылке http...
Simon Singh: Trick or Treatment, Alternative Medicine on Trial
Simon Singh: Trick or Treatment, Alternative Medicine on Trial
Simon Singh: Trick or Treatment, Alternative Medicine on Trial
Simon Singh is an author and journalist specialising in science and mathematics. Rather amazingly, he is the author the first mathematical book to be a UK No...
Simon Singh, "The Simpsons and Their Mathematical Secrets" | Talks at Google
Simon Singh, "The Simpsons and Their Mathematical Secrets" | Talks at Google
Simon Singh, "The Simpsons and Their Mathematical Secrets" | Talks at Google
Simon Singh, author of the bestsellers Fermat's Enigma, The Code Book, and The Big Bang, offers fascinating new insights into the celebrated television serie...
Medical Philology in the "Second Rome": Ancient Learning & Attack on "Traditional Chinese Medicine"
Medical Philology in the "Second Rome": Ancient Learning & Attack on "Traditional Chinese Medicine"
Medical Philology in the "Second Rome": Ancient Learning & Attack on "Traditional Chinese Medicine"
The 2011 Edwin O. Reischauer Lectures Undoing/Redoing Modern Sino-Japanese Cultural and Intellectual History, Benjamin A. Elman, Princeton University From Ha...
The Joy of x: A Guided Tour of Math
The Joy of x: A Guided Tour of Math
The Joy of x: A Guided Tour of Math
Steven Strogatz August 6, 2014 Viewed through the right lens, the universal language of math connects to literature, philosophy, law, medicine, art, business...